Games Opportunities goes out to 1,221 developers every month. Subscribers are highly engaged, and are typically studio heads / decision makers looking for opportunities for their studios. Roughly 60% of current subscribers are based in the UK, most of the rest are in Europe, with some spread worldwide. Open rates of the newsletter are consistently above 70%. Newsletters typically go out the first week of a month, see future issue details for estimates of actual dates.

See past issues for samples of content; a single Sponsored Link is featured prominently under the Funding section. Please provide a few short sentences, logo, and clickthrough link for customers to follow.


Previous Sponsors

  • Games Jobs Live
  • Capsule
  • Games Talks Live
  • SEN: Seven Eight Nine
  • All 4 Games
  • Impress.Games
  • Interface 9
  • devcom
  • Game Dragons
  • Hey Stephen Hey
  • Speech Graphics
  • Modern Wolf
  • Chilli Connect
  • Universal Music